+91-76070 02103

+91-76071 01364

C-Block Rajajipuram,

Lucknow, U.P.

123 456 789


Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210



As a rule, private tuition is not encouraged. However the weak students genuinely require individual attention. So for them tuition/remedial may be arranged at the school only. All applications for the same must be addressed to the Principal. No member of the staff is permitted to give private tuition. Application for tuition will normally not be entertained after 31st August every year. All such tuitions are taken by the staff concerned only in school after the school hours, and in the school premises.


There is a Well-stocked Fiction and Reference Library. School subscribs to a variety of magazines and newspapers. Children are encouraged to use the library regularly especially to prepare for their projects and other work.

Students access to internet in school helps for reference work.

Kindel is also provided in the school library.


Regular organized games are held weekly. One game period is allotted to students per week. The children play Badminton, Basketball, Football, Chess, Kho-Kho etc. Students are encouraged to participate in all these Activities and make use of facilities available. House and Class Matches are organized on regular basis. Sports Camp are organized every year during Summer Vacations.


The Academic year begins in April and ends in March. There are two long vacations : Suumer Vacations " Winter Vacations.

School Uniform

The school uniform should be worn daily. Every child is expected to bath daily and wear fresh clothes every morning.

Children with dirty clothes, shoes, heads etc. will not be allowed to attend class.
